More on the quilt without a plan.
I've been plugging away at making more squares. I'm going to have to figure out a way to lay these out since my normal routine of laying out small squares isn't going to work so well for this thing.
The last batch of squares focused on dark colors since I think I'll need more of those in the long run. So without further ado:
Yeah... let's review. Too many small pieces.
Things that count or are counted...
Firstly, there is just nothing better than hot buttered rye bread toast, made from your own rye bread. Nothing better except said rye toast accompanied by good hot coffee.
Naomi will laugh but after making phase one of another batch of small squares, I crawled into bed with my notebook, pencil and calculator to figure out things which could be done with these... if only I had a certain number. How many do I need? Well, frankly that is the confluence of what I want to do with them and how long I'm willing to make them.
Last night, as I was saying, I made a batch more. I actually passed 70 through the sewing machine once and 40 of those through a second time.
The total process for each square is:
- Pick up square.
- Choose strip, cut roughly to size.
- Sew one edge of strip to square (in reality repeat this a lot of times).
- Press.
- Cut along seam edge of strip.
- Sew cut off piece of square to strip. (repeat this a lot of times)
- Press.
Second verse, just like the first:- Pick up square.
- Choose strip, cut roughly to size.
- Sew one edge of strip to square (in reality repeat this a lot of times).
- Press.
- Cut along seam edge of strip.
- Sew cut off piece of square to strip. (repeat this a lot of times)
- Trim seam allowance to remove extra fabric
- Press.
- True up to size.
That's a lot of handling and sewing and pressing for a 1.5 inch finished square.
OK, I do need to have my head examined. But I am liking the results quite a bit, even as I worry that I need some more "background" fabrics to choose from and what if I start running out of silk?
As of curling up with my notebook last night I had 169 squares done and 40 more with one stripe and 30 more with a stripe half done. No matter what, that's just not enough. If I sewed together the 169 squares that would give me something about 20 inches square.
Web cam devotees will note with pleasure that the spring season (aka windows UP) has arrived. Visitors will no doubt be seeing more of the cats and kittens as they guard the house from birds, insects and chipmunks that appear too close to their perch.The kittens are moving right along - it will be awhile before they are anything other than dinky compared to the two grown cats. They were a hit at the vets - charming one and all and getting the Dr. Tom stamp of good-kitten approval. Archie had a tough night one night this week and had me worried. Very upset tum and worried face. My face was worried too. In the morning he looked a little more relaxed and by evening he was bouncing around with Raz - all better. Whew.
Socially, the little herd is pretty cohesive. The big cats are still in charge of drawing the line (stop! go away! slap-slap-slap! now do you understand? Let me nip your ear to be sure!) but the kittens keep sidling up to them and more often than not are treated to licks and rubs and sniffs. Even Gus will let them share a perch with him as long as they're pretty calm about it.
Now I just have to teach the kits about summer clothing and how more exposed skin means not clambering up legs with claws! ouch!