Friday, February 24, 2006
One thing about mindless, often boring television: it gives you lots of opportunities to do something else. In my case, it was laying out all my squares. Now some would pooh-pooh this as an even bigger waste of time, but I think it lets me choose what specific fabric square I want and see how it's going to look as I go along. Anyway, without further ado:
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
As promised, here are the rest of the players in the new quilt. 
I have about two-thirds or more of it cut into squares now, so it's looking a little tidier than it does here. Here's a properly-oriented look at the strips. Do I get extra judging points for having two fabric-related posts in a row?
Monday, February 20, 2006
Well for those of you who have been awaiting some sign of fabric on this blog, here you go: 
First round of cutting for my next big quilt. If I finish cutting tonight, I'll try to get a photo up of the rest.