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Saturday, February 02, 2002
Friday, February 01, 2002 Thursday morning I took photos of everything in its very spit-spot condition at work, as well as some of my co-workers. I've put these up on the web here About 2 MB of QuickTime movie, exported from iPhotoThursday, January 31, 2002 The first real wintery storm of the year. Of course, after most of a week of April-like weather, no one remembers how to drive in the snow. Driving to work this morning was reasonable. Of course the visit from our regional manager was a non-reality. So we had the pleasure of spending a very quiet day in the store - a very clean and spit-spot store at that.Wednesday, January 30, 2002 All things change. Today we put aside our very long standing email address and waved bye-bye to the concept of was a GREAT company - enthusiastic founders who worked hard to provide fabulous services. After they sold the business to things started changing and not for the better. Plus we'd signed on with our local phone company for DSL so were in fact supporting two ISP's for awhile. Now we're down to one. Most people won't notice my changed email addresses since I've been using my domain names for awhile. Still - I'll think fondly back to days.Monday, January 28, 2002 I'm not alone in my thoughts about the attacks of September 11. I read about others' thoughts on their web pages and talk with others about what they're thinking and doing. The attacks aren't constantly on my mind, but it seems the ideas and emotions surrounding them are always nearby. Sometimes they push me to keep away news and new information. Sometimes I seek out new photos and progress. For instance in the year end photos published at the nytimes. Or the special edition put out by Time magazine. Some of these photos are new, some I'd seen before and yet I found myself studying them closely and seeing especially the humanity in them - the people effected. Those killed, those witnessing, those left behind to endure. For BornFamous and other quote lovers: moments of zen 2000. No holds barred, somewhat topical, to the point.Sunday, January 27, 2002 Productive day, even with a later start. I cleaned up after the herd of cats on and off. Had some good barley soup for dinner! Hemmed the two skirts I bought yesterday. Had to wash the pants I'd gotten because of the darn sticky label that was on them. Luckily it didn't leave a mark. I stayed up way too late, rather accidently - really! - but I did fix the green fabric problem in the middle of things before I went to bed. Pulled out a bunch of greens from the dark green cubby and there, behind those were some likely greyed-green candidates, one of which not only was a good value, but had some inkblot sort of designs which brought in the couple-columns-over pinks and couple-columns-back orangey colors. Photos later. I went back upstairs to look at what appears to be a dark line down the middle of the quilt (as seen in the photo below). Was this an artifact of photoshopping the quilt halves together? A difference in how the two halves are lit (as apparent in the difference in color as seen in the pale yellow squares along the top edge)? The red triangle on the larger view indicates the actual center point of the quilt. At least you can see a closer view of some of the fabrics. Meanwhile, I think the problem isn't really the dark greens but that first lighter color on the right side of them... OK, so I shopped today. First Peter Harris, where I landed two skirts and a pair of black pants. All at cheap. Then to grocery store. Not so cheap, but a reasonable mix of things. Came home and made some very good for you vegetable beef with barley soup. Mostly veggies and barley. Needs a little something - perhaps some beef broth tomorrow. I'm growing fond of putting kale into soup. I sort of overdid it on this, but remedied it by ladling it out of the pot and whirring it in the processor. Voila - a slightly thicker stock and small bits of kale flecking the whole. |
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Photos of WTC - 09/14/ 01 My quilt --11 Sept 01 Newest Quilt May '06 First Gold Feb '06 2006 Postcards Shine Pink & Green Quilt Child Abuse Quilts Roots of Racism Quilts Hancock fabrics QuiltArt FiberArt For A Cause