My quiltsMy 2001 Grant ProjectSociety for the Protection and Preservation of Fruitcake

Sunday, May 14, 2006  

The cats and the kits are all snoozing away this long rainy afternoon - seems like a good idea actually. But while they've been occupied, I've gotten my new quilt all sewn together. One little spot needs some fixing and the first seam needs a little un-doing where I changed feet and had to restitch to make the seam allowance the same size.

It's always exciting to see the top finished -- does it look like I thought? does it work? How will the next steps work? All I can say right now is that I like it - it sort of glows in an earthy kind of way. Just like spring!

Written at: 3:47:00 PM

Heard in passing on TV:
"...the incredible ceiling was painted by faux artist, **name deleted**..."
OK, but given that it went with an "old tiffany pattern (china) but it's fun", I'm guessing he makes good money at being a faux artist!

Written at: 12:08:00 PM

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