My quiltsMy 2001 Grant ProjectSociety for the Protection and Preservation of Fruitcake

Friday, November 19, 2004  
I've updated the growing iSight software and info page (thanks Matthias!). Start here for a trio of new software and a couple new gadgets for the iSight. Probably the most interesting of the softwares was the SecuritySpy, which is something people ask about all the time. Ok, maybe not ALL the time, but at least now I can refer them to something. It's only $50 to buy which isn't bad for the features it provides.

Written at: 11:48:16 PM

Tuesday, November 16, 2004  

Sometimes cats are just plain out photogenic. And sometimes they're just sweet.

Bill the cat, Boopsie (aka Mrs. Bill) and a late appearance by Gus.

Written at: 11:35:10 PM

Monday, November 15, 2004  
Dude! You need a mac!

As a long-time follower of StrongBad, I laughed like a hyena at this week's episode: I really really laughed. And then I sent an email to strongbad. How he'll get it I'm not really sure... but you should write hime too, to let him know -- Dude - you need a mac!

Written at: 10:06:09 PM

Sunday, November 14, 2004  
Sunday morning. Cold and clear outside, with a little fresh snow. Inside - nice warm breakfast, fresh coffee with some light cream left over from something else. And for the cats - a blow out catnip party. When the package says "Cosmic Catnip is the most aromatic catnip ever grown..." it means that when you crack open the top of the plastic container the cats come running from everywhere. I see on their site it comes in large quantities too.... I took some of the new catnip and put it in a big jar with a bunch of cat toys to fill them with catnip goodness.

One bit of free advice. Don't keep your catnip or other cat treats in plastic bags lest the cats stick their heads into the bag and try to off themselves in delirious asphyxiation. Bill the cat tried to do that as a young kit. He retrieved a baggie that had held yeast from the trash and tried to lick the yeast from inside the bag! Moral of the story - keep cat treats in plastic or glass jars and well out of reach.

Written at: 11:48:31 AM

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Bill 1985-2005

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