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Wednesday, October 31, 2001
The little visitor aka the kitten is doing well. Although we were worried about his very young age and his naval hernia, he is eating and drinking and all systems, shall we say, are working. Tomorrow we have a vets appointment with him. Last night I put him on the scale and weighed him and he turned up at one pound, nine ounces. that's DINKY. And when you consider that our other cats are in the 10-15 lb range - WOW.Tuesday, October 30, 2001 For all the times I've photographed this, I never knew how it worked: crepuscular rays Yes you DO know what they are!Monday, October 29, 2001 As a welcome break for your brain - you might want to click the new link at left for Twink - Toy Piano Music . This music comes from some friends of mine at Tripod/Lycos and it just always puts a big smile on my face. I was looking at their site today and notice that they'll be having an album coming out in early 2002. Congrats to them and I'll be watching so I can get my copy! There's nothing wrong with interesting music that makes you feel good inside.Sunday, October 28, 2001 I don't think I posted this link before - it's a retired Sage professor's site showing his wonderful panoramic images of this area. I was lucky enough to meet him in the Apple store in Crossgates Mall. Tis the season. On the way home from the store today, Ron and I were reminiscing about how Mo the cat came to live with us on the previous presidential election night. All the inside cats were running from window to window and we kept hearing a strange noise. Finally I opened the door expecting to find a possum or racoon. Nope - a wee black cat who wouldn't take no for an answer. Mo is one of the best natured, friendliest cats known to man.Friday, October 26, 2001 Cool site: Virtual Union Square where there are lots of photos and other art work responding to 9/11/01 along with words to go with them. After a long hard day at work, I met Ron at the Town of Colonie town hall for a ceremony honoring employees, volunteers and citizens who served in response teams at the World Trade Center. It was a short and sweet affair with a goodly turn out of folks from the rescue team that Ron is part of, as well as people in the EMS and fire departments in town. I took a few photos and posted them here.Wednesday, October 24, 2001 In case you've arrived here via, you're not lost. After a couple weeks of trying to point people to various parts of my site(s) I realized if I just pointed you all HERE, everything links to this page. From here you can get to my main gallery pages of quilts, my grant quilt project, the child abuse quilts, my september 11 quilt, Ron's WTC photos and even a lot of my favorite sites on the net. So start here and find everything you're looking for and maybe some cool sites on either side of the center. What's in the center is a "blog" which is a web journal - things about my quilting and photography and life in general. Welcome and enjoy!Tuesday, October 23, 2001 All right. Ron says I've come dangerously close to "drinking the kool-aid" over this new product from Apple. I think it's just a stunning design and idea. I'm not even into MP3 players, but it's still tempting and in oh so small a package.Monday, October 22, 2001 Here is a look at the quilting on the sky portion of the seasons quilt:Sunday, October 21, 2001 Here are some links to quilts I've been looking at lately. These links were posted by members of the Quiltart mailing list. Quiet and nice Sunday. Started off with the NYTimes ritual reading. Ron had warned me that the magazine was going to be grim, but it went way beyond that in oh so many ways. Doesn't give me much hope for the world when a grandmother fleeing Kabul into Pakistan would hold her infant grandson up to the Taliban and urge them to take the child rather than beating and possibly killing her grown son. Her comment was that her son was the only person who could work on behalf of the family. I guess I understand the survival thinking there but barely.Saturday, October 20, 2001 totally amazing -- thanks to the dude who made this possible. Want to find out more? I just had to try posting to my blog from AIM - who'd a thunk something like that would work, eh?Friday, October 19, 2001 Almost anything you do will seem insignificant, but it is very important that you do it. - GandhiWednesday, October 17, 2001 Sorry if anyone used the comment feature I put in last night - it totally hung on the provider end so I took it out. Life is hard enough without having to wait forever for a web page to load. If you have comments about what you see or read here, please leave a comment in the guest book at left. I get notices and will contact you promptly! Thanks.Tuesday, October 16, 2001 Almost forgot - posted some autumnal photos here. Survived day two (after having Sunday off.....)Saturday, October 13, 2001 First day in the Albany/Crossgates Mall Apple Store --Friday, October 12, 2001 Telemarketing gone bad: -- This really tickled my funny bone in a perverted sort of way.Thursday, October 11, 2001The phone rings. I pick it up. I found some amazing photos of WTC here on photographica It's not about the rubble or terrorism. The tragedy is really about the lives lost. I've posted some recent photos - click the image below or the October link at left.Sunday, October 07, 2001 And then there's this view I've posted some new photos from Ron's last trip to the WTC Click on "next set of photos when you get there.Friday, October 05, 2001 Well, despite it all, my two quilts are ready for the Berkshire Quilt Festival - Sat & Sun 10-5, at the Berkshire Community College in Pittsfield MA. I have the sleeves on, binding done etc. Even nailed down the purple edges on the winter quilt. all in all a productive night and now I'm going to bed. I'm rather sleep deprived at the moment, so I'm giving it up a bit early.Tuesday, October 02, 2001 If, after all, men cannot always make history have meaning, they can always act so that their own lives have one.-- Albert Camus Tonight we took a "formal portrait" of the 911 quilt: Quilting is done on the 911 quilt. After a lot of looking at thread, I used a progression of purples into greys. I think it works. |
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Photos of WTC - 09/14/ 01 My quilt --11 Sept 01 Newest Quilt May '06 First Gold Feb '06 2006 Postcards Shine Pink & Green Quilt Child Abuse Quilts Roots of Racism Quilts Hancock fabrics QuiltArt FiberArt For A Cause