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From the 1997 NYQuilts! Program Book....

Why should I enter my quilt in a show?

Welcome to NYQuilts!

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to NYQuilts! This show is the work of many and thanks to all who made it possible this year.

You'll notice that this year's quilts come from all over the world. Registration was open to all this year and widening our view has brought us some truly inspiring quilts to display.

I am often asked "Why should I put my quilt in a show?" This is a hard question to answer because there are so many reasons.

The first and foremost answer I think is because we, as quiltmakers, take pleasure in what we do and are pleased, even proud, of the results. Even if you know that the next one will be better because of what this quilt taught you, this quilt is worth the time to admire.

You'll see quilts in this show which were made by very young quilters who worked hard to make their first quilt. You'll see the work of quilters who have advanced in skill and design and brought new facets to this tradition. There is room for each quilter. And each of us, no matter our quilting preference or experience level, can find inspiration and pleasure in all of the quilts found here this weekend.

Take the time to look at all the quilts and read what the makers wrote about their creations. Talk to those around you who are admiring the quilts.

NYQuilts! as an organization has a goal of providing a forum for quilters to learn and communicate with each other. Showing each other our quilts is a great place to start.

Show yours proudly!

Mary Beth Goodman

Coordinator, NYQuilts!

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