100 Things About Me
- I'm a quilter
- I take photographs
- I lived for about a year in NYC
- I love fresh sweet corn in the summer
- I am a night owl.
- I can get a lot done in a short amount of time
- House cleaning isn't high on my list of priorities in life.
- I love cats
- Sometimes I hate cats and all they stand for.
- I worked at a job for 20 years once.
- I enjoy working with machines as part of my job.
- I am a mac person.
- I occasionally point out to people that they could put their shopping carts back in the correct place.
- I have worked in a few places where I'm the oldest person.
- I have a more interesting life than many people I know.
- I like my parents a lot.
- I converted to Judaism while in college.
- I drive a Saturn and like it very much.
- I am good at making messes and slow to clean them up.
- I like to bake bread.
- Chocolate is on my list of priorities, especially good dark chocolate.
- I am not a big drinker but I enjoy an occasional glass of something.
- I like Guiness and a good martini. Not together.
- I like to show people my art work and see what they think of it.
- I have a LOT of fabric. A lot.
- Ditto on thread, but not as much as my fabric stash.
- I try to meet unreasonable-ness with rational words but I'm learning to walk away sometimes.
- I try to empower people to help themselves, to figure things out themselves.
- One of my biggest resources is the phone book. That pre-dates the internet.
- I was on the net just before browsers and had web pages before most of my friends knew what the internet was.
- I'm an early adopter most of the time, but I don't rush into things just to be first.
- I tend to have long relationships with people.
- My house is about 100 years old.
- I like to drive.
- I like to try new routes if I have time.
- Hot flashes - been there. Done that.
- I am a sucker for kittens.
- I used to have canaries before we had cats.
- I often wish I was closer with my family.
- I think it's important to listen to people and to respond appropriately to what they say.
- I appreciate being listened to.
- I am not a clothes horse, nor a slave to fashion.
- I don't wear a lot of make up. OK, I wear little make up. Very little.
- I have long hair which I generally have braided.
- I can french braid my own hair.
- I have a wide interest in music.
- I like to dance
- The dancing I enjoy most dates from 18th century England.
- Bring me breakfast in bed and I'm yours forever.
- I have a degree in Wildlife Biology.
- I can't watch scary movies where things jump out at you.
- As an adult, I've gone to dance camp for a week in the summer.
- I've experienced tornadoes, earthquakes, blizzards, minor floods and one morning that was minus 35 F.
- I own a red wool shaker-style cloak.
- I love love love Amish quilts.
- I don't need much sleep most of the time.
- I have a sleep surrogate who takes care of my sleeping when I have other things to do.
- I am usually prepared for long black outs.
- I am really good at making soup and soupy concoctions.
- One of my sole traditions is cleaning out my spice cabinet once a year at New Year's.
- My car is very messy and I don't generally care.
- I don't travel light. I tend to take things with me even if I don't use them.
- I don't travel far very often.
- I slept one night in O'Hare airport due to thunderstorms.
- I enjoy teaching.
- I don't like people with a needy or entitled attitude.
- I don't much care who you know or who you took a class with.
- I shook hands with Jimmy Carter when he was running for president.
- I get my name in the paper from time to time.
- I wear a watch all the time. 24/7. I prefer a non-elastic watchband and digital watch.
- I wear glasses and can't see the alarm clock clearly from bed.
- I am a good driver.
- I've driven big ambulances and an occasional big moving truck.
- I like to garden but don't have time for it right now.
- I used to know all the scientific names of the plants in my gardens.
- I enjoy people who have a good sense of humor.
- I dream of living a simpler life.
- I realize that living a simple life is not simple.
- I have some jewelry from my childhood.
- I have jewelry that I've bought myself over the years.
- I'd be really excited if someone else gave me jewelry ( I have a few such things)
- I got a second ear piercing this spring and no one noticed on their own.
- I've been accused of being geeky, but I describe myself as a computer "user"
- I never was athletic and realized late in life it's because I have very very flat feet.
- Orthotics changed my life. (but I still don't do sports)
- I studied ballet as a girl
- I wear comfortable shoes in all circumstances.
- I own several pairs of flat, black lace up shoes.
- I own a couple different black outfits
- I like to wear dresses and jumpers.
- I will think twice about taking a job that requires me to buy new clothes.
- I once used the "diva" approach to get through a short-lived, really terrible job.
- I like to read poetry and enjoy reading in general.
- I am not a morning person but always enjoy the sunrise when I meet it.
- I am drawn to things of high contrast.
- I sometimes wish I could study art more formally.
- I work hard at my quilting and enjoy my work and my progress.
- Sometimes mid-project I begin to fear I'll die before finishing what I'm doing.
- I find it hard to stop looking at my work in progress and go to bed.
Other links
- Photos of WTC - 14 Sept 01
- My quilt --11 Sept 01
- My display at the Nassau Library
Web Design & Internet
- Blogger
- WebMonkey
- WebPage Design
- Jakob Nielson
- Report Spam - SpamCop
- GreyMatter
- Goodman, Goodman and Katz
- Astronomy Pic of the Day
- Merriam-Webster Online
- WebMuseum artist index
- 10socks.com
- 20things.com
- Country Dance & Song Society
- B&H Photo
- Orthodox Union